(17:01:47) Andrew --: darkspoooooooooooooon
(17:01:53) Andrew --: do drug tests check for alcohol
(18:02:1 DarkSpoon: yea
(18:02:27) DarkSpoon: hour late but yea they can
(18:02:37) DarkSpoon: alcohol is out of your system in 12 or so hours though
(18:02:43) Andrew --: k
(18:02:44) Andrew --: good
(18:02:5 DarkSpoon: lol didlez getting drunk before his BB interview
(18:03:02) Andrew --: lol
(18:11:2 DarkSpoon: leave a brown hot dog in the urinal for me didlez pal.
(18:11:41) DarkSpoon: back to calculous sexy
(18:11:53) DarkSpoon: *calculus
(18:12:14) DarkSpoon: oooh if they make you piss in a cup. make sure you shit in the cup.
(18:12:26) Andrew --: i allready pissed in the cup
(18:12:32) DarkSpoon: god damn it didlez
(18:12:36) Andrew --: SORRY SIR
(18:12:42) DarkSpoon: tell me you shit it in it
(18:12:4 Andrew --: i didnt
(18:12:51) DarkSpoon: fuck
(18:13:03) Andrew --: the cup was too small to hold a sizeable load
(18:13:05) DarkSpoon: that was your one chance to stick it to the man hard. you blew it. prolly wont get the job now.
(18:13:34) DarkSpoon: you shit in it compact it real good and cut the remaing off with the lid
(18:13:40) Andrew --: loool
(18:14:02) DarkSpoon: making sure to leave some exposed feces on the lid
(18:14:0 Andrew --: lolol
(18:14:17) Andrew --: well i did at least have piss dripping off the side
(18:14:31) DarkSpoon: well that makes you a bit less of a failure
(18:14:35) Andrew --: and i pissed all over the seat and couldnt clean it up because there was no toilet paper
(18:14:40) DarkSpoon: lmao
(18:14:42) Andrew --: ^
(18:14:50) Andrew --: was hard moving from cup to toilet
(18:14:56) Andrew --: since the cup was too small to hold all my piss
(18:15:03) DarkSpoon: next time. float the cup in the toilet and try to piss in it that way. fun game.
(18:15:09) Andrew --: lool
(18:15:10) Andrew --: ok
(18:15:39) DarkSpoon: i find its easier that way if you stand on the toilet and point straight down. that way you dont tip the cup over with your angled piss.
(18:15:50) Andrew --: lol
(18:16:02) DarkSpoon: you have to take your pants off though
(18:16:22) DarkSpoon: real funny if they have someone watching you so you dont cheat.
(18:16:31) Andrew --: nah there was no watching
(18:16:37) Andrew --: but i wasnt alloud to flush the toilet
(18:16:40) Andrew --: not sure why
(18:17:03) DarkSpoon: lol. so funny. someone had to go in behind you to inspect the nonflush and you had huge spillage on the seat
(18:17:10) Andrew --: LOL yus
(18:17:20) DarkSpoon: should got the flush handle for good measure
(18:17:26) Andrew --: lol
(18:17:36) DarkSpoon: write your name etc
(18:17:41) Andrew --: ^^^^^^^
(18:17:50) Andrew --: if only i could go back in time
(18:18:00) Andrew --: would have made a muxery of that bathroom
(18:18:09) DarkSpoon: well maybe you failed cause youre a raging alcoholic.
(18:18:14) DarkSpoon: they will ask you come in again.
(18:18:33) DarkSpoon: ok fuck. i got to go study.
(18:18:34) Andrew --: lolol
(18:18:36) Andrew --: cya