One of my favorite things I've seen on TV was when that remake of Planet of the Apes was coming out, and there was some magazine cover referencing it and evolution. They interviewed a typical midwestern brainwashed housewife who was complaining about how the general population seems to have accepted evolution in one form or the other.

She said something along the lines of people needed to stop blindly believing in evolution and have an open mind to seek the truth. She then put her hand on a bible and said people needed to read it because it contained the absolute truth.

It was probably the most goddamn gay thing I'd ever heard. That in one breath tells people to have open minds, and then the next tell people that a single ancient book is the absolute truth. So pretty much you only need to open your mind wide enough to fit a dollar store bible in it and then you never require any knowledge ever again. Also gay because it took place in a story about the remake of planet of the goddamn apes.

The thing is in general is that I CBF people that are in goddamn cults.

Pretty much all the mainstream established religious seem to have good points to them at their core. It is just the establishment that gays things up. It is like the general theme in Life of Brian, which was that religion at it's core was perfectly fine, the only real problem was organized religion. It is just the leaders in the church\mosque\whatever that fuck everything up. There is usually only a problem when you get people following a religious leader as some sort of representative of God instead of just being individuals.

Like I'm sure most Buddists are cool, but then you get someone like the Dali Lama who flys around the world reading fortune cookies to people, and trying to get cash donations so he can maybe one day hopefully buy weapons and fight a war with China or some bs like that.