Quote Originally Posted by NinjaGator
I don't know how experience was brought up, I never mentioned it (hence people putting words in my mouth again.) This part is so obvious, I really don't see why it's continually brought up. It's like beating a dead horse and a waste of your time to keep mentioning it. We all know who's been where for how long now, I don't see experience being the only factor to this election. I also don't trust any news stations with information since it will always be twisted and inaccurate. I knew linking anything was a bad choice, but just so happen I walked up the stairs to see my dad watching it and telling me, "This just proves everything." which I also believed was a twisted event.
Thanks for continually repeating "all news corporations lie!" I'm sure none of us who posted already didn't know this information. Experience was brought up, because with your assumption at the beginning of this thread (palin wins) definitely sounded like you were supporting right wing. As Dave said, I Biden did his job of defending obama and not falling for any traps Palin set for any sort of condescending remarks.

Quote Originally Posted by NinjaGator
I definitely know Bill O'Reilly and Hannity, many mornings I would have to listen to them spew shit through my dad's radio. I'll say it again, I don't believe shit from news stations nor anyone on them. Stop pretending I'm right-sided when I supported one thing Palin proclaimed. I really just made a mistake by singling out liberals in such a fashion when conservatives do the exact thing (which I can tell made Dave very angriez :P)
If you didn't want anyone to "pretend" that you were right-sided, maybe you should have listed some bulletpoints on pro's and con's that both candidates gave, instead of a one-sided post. The only thing to me that sounded right out of Palin's mouth was energy dependence, but that is the most obvious solution to give at this point in time. She didn't supply anything further, such as mentioning harnessing solar and wind power, or how she believes we'll actually become energy dependant.

Quote Originally Posted by NinjaGator
To me, an undecided person, it sounded more like she was being more empathetic to a middle class individual.
Yeah that's exactly what I said. She emphasized on emotionally charged responses, aimed at guiding the middle-class population towards the right. Instead of supplying though-out and logical answers, she catered to a fragile audience's emotions, telling them what they wanted to hear.

Quote Originally Posted by NinjaGator
You guys can't help but be biased on what you see since you're decisions are already done, don't you think that affects how you perceive the opposite party's speeches and everything?
We can't help but be biased because we have actually done some thorough research on both party's candidates. We know what Palin has done, we've seen her perform awfully in interviews where she wasn't told what to say. She acts merely as a puppet for her party, and if she were to become president, that is all she would be - a puppet to republicans and lobbyists. To throw this in here, there is a direct correlation between the average IQs statewide and which candidate wins that state. Hint: Red = Dumber, Blue = Smarter.

This country is attempting a fatal attraction with ignorance. Conservative fear-mongering has a stranglehold on our nation, which is why people like your parents and my own dad believe the lies fox news puts forth, as well as McCain political ads that smear Obama's initiative and smother anyone they can with subtle and blunt democratic slander. IMO we've been in civil political war since bush got elected. If another republican gets into the office things can only get worse. (That sentence would be fearmongering if I didn't supply facts, luckily I gave them in previous posts, and Biden gave them during the debate.)

Quote Originally Posted by NinjaGator
I take them in for things that I like and dislike and attempt to filter out what might be lies or promises that can't be kept so I can bring that all to the table in a month when I vote.
I hope you are as smart as you think you are.

Thanks for rectifying everything Dave, Andrew and I said.