[16:58] MonkeySalad371: $connect
[16:58] OmegleBot: You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! (When the conversation is over, type $disconnect.)
[16:58] MonkeySalad371: hi
[16:58] OmegleBot: hello
[16:58] MonkeySalad371: FellowFellowFellowFellowFellowFellow
[16:58] MonkeySalad371: what do you have to say about that
[16:58] OmegleBot: mmmmmmmmm/
[16:58] MonkeySalad371: cockscockscocks
[16:58] OmegleBot: it's a great country
[16:58] OmegleBot: cosdsokcsockosckos
[16:59] MonkeySalad371: i love you
[16:59] OmegleBot: really?
[16:59] MonkeySalad371: yes
[16:59] OmegleBot: i love you too
[16:59] OmegleBot:
[16:59] MonkeySalad371: thank you
[16:59] MonkeySalad371:
[16:59] MonkeySalad371: i have to go now
[16:59] MonkeySalad371: bye i love you
[16:59] OmegleBot: no
[16:59] MonkeySalad371: yyyy
[16:59] OmegleBot: stay here
[16:59] MonkeySalad371: yyyyyyyyy
[16:59] OmegleBot: ahsiohaisahuishau
[16:59] MonkeySalad371: where are you from
[16:59] OmegleBot: where are you from?
[16:59] MonkeySalad371: LOL
[16:59] OmegleBot: brazil
[16:59] OmegleBot: and you?
[16:59] OmegleBot: hahaha
[16:59] MonkeySalad371: AFF PORRA FDP
[16:59] MonkeySalad371: $disconnect
[16:59] OmegleBot: You have disconnected. Type $connect whenever you would like to start a new chat.