Quote Originally Posted by ShockWave View Post
It sometimes seems like belonging to a religion is a matter of convenience. When you buy a car, you do some research and look around before you make a decision. When you choose a religion, why would you just conform to what everyone else around you is doing?
Great point. I was thinking about this today, myself. Just seems as though it's really about wanting to feel included. It's the same pattern a lot of other organized groups have, whether it be the Nazi party or AA meetings. Even when people question why they go to the meetings/gatherings or why they believe in the doctrine they're subscribed to, it's like they put it out of their minds and continue anyways because it feels good to be included and a part of something bigger than themselves. Christians just seem more annoying about it because they're always trying to convert people. It doesn't REALLY boil down to wanting to help people or "save them", it's about getting a reputation point from their peers. "Look at me, I got these people to come and contribute to the group." My brother doesn't know shit about religion. My mother and I have always been pretty well read on the subject, at least enough to know better. We'd talk about it and my brother was never interested because it's too difficult of a concept for him (he's the kinda guy that would rather build something or mow a lawn than have an intellectual conversation). Now it's "all about Him" or whatever he says. Goddamn, it'd just be pathetic if it wasn't so bizarre. The thing is, I am not Atheist. I believe in God, but generally have differing beliefs than the standard "Jesus is God" and all the BS in between. I HAVE looked up various churches whose beliefs are more in line than anything around here. You're totally right, it's all about geography with these people. They're just lazy. They never question anything and conform their beliefs to the chapter they subscribe to. They never even really read the bible objectively. Ugh.