dude. you has to play. I played and it was pretty fun... reminds me of good 'ol days.

Right now i'm using a shite mouse like this

with an old dell keyboard

the mouse is bad enough to make me suck but not that badly (the one time I recently played). The keyboard works for me since it came with the same computer that I used to play Gore on in 2003 :-P unfortunately the mouse from that pc shorted out over time... this thing was stock with the computer but worked perfectly for Gore since it needs at least 3 mouse buttons for Fire1 Fire2 & Scope:

My pc could really use a gphx card so I can use HDMI w/ the hdtv.

If I could play with that mouse again with my hdtv as a monitor i'd be in Gore glory. Sux about the servers. I also noticed there are a bunch of new players. Not too bad of a thing but they all barely talk.

Also tried to set this chillstream controller up w/ gore using joy2mouse... i damn near had it and then got extremely frustrated and gave up.

I attempted to run a virtual machine (to get around a windows 7 specific issue) and got an error possibly related to installing 64 bit os's and when I assumed a bios update could be available I come to find out they cannot be flashed while running a 64 bit operating system, nor can they be installed without a floppy disk drive as far as I know. Gah I feel like such a noob w/ all of this.