• Suggest gaming mouse


  • Wired cause I'm tired of wireless that has a slower refresh or whatever.
  • Don't need some dodgy gay "pro" bs that has 500 buttons on it. Aside from Left, Right and Wheel, I can probably only tolerate 2-3 buttons on it otherwise I'm going to end up clicking shit by accident.
  • As light weight as possible and easy shape to pick up cause I pick up my mouse a lot when I play certain games.
  • Needs to have at least somewhat traditional design. I hate shit like the original Razer Boomslang for example that tried to be cool and made the mouse be some fucked up shape that was annoying to hold.

Generally I've always gotten Microsoft mice because they fit the hand well and in my experience the higher end MS mice I've always gotten were really reliable, surviving 5+ years of constant use.

But I'm open too other brands if they are just as reliable.