after clicking on snoops video i found this one in related videos and i thought it was interesting. Watch it and see how paranoid it is, then read my comment, you can see how it gets taken to far or how "blind" we are.

1. Couple getting into the car, guy notices something on his rear windshield, gets in car, momentarily pauses for things such as talking to spouse/girlfriend and or quick chat before driving.

2. Older couple....they take time to get into the car and put groceries away, the man points back to the store talking to his wife.

3. Cart guy stops cart their on chance because he didn't know someone like you would be arriving at the vehicle at the same time.

4. it is a GROCERY store, people arrive all the time.

5. the woman is a frequent shopper and knows the cart guy (god forbid)

6. he saw you start your car asshole.