Okay let's just agree to disagree here. Obviously nobody in America would ever do such a thing (because most citizens are just honest, hardworking, law-abiding people with much better things to do with their time) and I'm just paranoid, a threat and became this way overnight for no reason or positive gain for myself. I left the job I was going to get promoted at, the area where most my friends are, and claimed I was being followed all for the fuck of it. That makes sense. It amazes me though how you guys automatically look for the things that don't make sense. I make a whole post and DS takes the last paragraph and says "TBH I DON'T SEE ANYTHING ODD THERE BUDDY." I talk to Deadly on MSN and give him a link to gang stalking and he says "Yeah I'm not saying that doesn't exist I just don't think it's happening to YOU." Well why the fuck not? It's a word-for-word goddamn description of what's happening to me.

Quote Originally Posted by Diddlez
This idiot went out of his way to make a wild assumption with no reason or evidence.
Quote Originally Posted by Urban Dictionary
It's a psychological attack that can completely destroy a persons life, while leaving little or no evidence to incriminate the perpetrators.
Quote Originally Posted by Urban Dictionary
Their crimes are ingenious because they are not quite thefts and not quite vandalism. While many of the perpetrators are police and firemen, the crimes they commit are so subtle and bizarre that today's unware honest citizens and crime fighting barnches of goverement that normally would care are confused and even unwittingly support the harrasment and hazing becuase the victum appears to be an enemy of the state.
TBH though I don't know what I'd expect you guys to do even if you did believe me. Guess I'm just looking for some understanding but it seems unlikely. I'll stop making posts about this shit and you guys can stay in your form of denial (which to tell the truth is probably better for your mental health anyways - god forbid people wake the fuck up and realize what's actually happening in this world) and we can all get along.