Two held on bond over Boston scare
Boston officials, livid about a publicity campaign that had disrupted the city by stirring fears of terrorism, vowed to prosecute those responsible and seek restitution for the $500,000 cost of the response.


ROFL this is the most badass thing I've ever seen. SO ballsy. I love
how they were talking to the press about hairstyles of the 70s hahaha,
so awesome.

OF COURSE the politicians just puke "9/11! 9/11!!" all over everyone
to further their political agendas and get more votes. If it cost THAT
MUCH to remove them, then there is something that is seriously wrong
with the way things are run. I'd hate to see how much it costs that
police department to make a donut run then.

I want one of those signs!! haha so awesome.