I finally got around to downloading and burning the DVD, i just ran the live DVD on a P4 2.6 with a gig of ram and a ATI All in Wonder 9700 or 9800, i forget what one it is :P , this DVD has just about every fuckin thing ya would want and more, the only problem is that is comp i wanted to install it on but im sure im gonna have problems with the ATI drivers, the live DVD runs pretty quick for all the stuff on it, Beryl is included as well.

Maybe i will just install on the POS Dell I got for free, it has integrated graphics but it maybe less of a problem than setting up the ATI card, OR i could just put a old Nvidia card in the POS Dell, problem is that it doesnt have a AGP slot, i may have a old PCI card around somewhere.

The only other option is to install it on the comp I dual boot now with 6.06, it has dual 7600 GT's, but i dont wanna wipe that partition to install Ultimate Edition 1.3, i got it set up just the way i like it.