Quote Originally Posted by Spyder
Quote Originally Posted by DESTRUCTION
i just love the sleekness of it and that i get internet and all that bs... internet on my razr blows. dont even use it, its so slow
I hate to break this to you, but the internet on the iphone is pretty slow too. Even the wifi is apparently pretty slow.

For EVERY SINGLE APPLE PRODUCT OUT THERE...you have to take heed for the first generation or two. They're so fixated on "innovating" (moreso just making something look sleek/shiny and kicking it out the door to make lots of money) that they don't know how to test ANYTHING. I forsee plenty of problems with this new phone. I think it looks just as sweet as you guys, I really do. Unfortunately their "omg we've innovated the phone" thing is a complete dramatization. Lots of their so-called innovations were stolen from the other popular smart phones like Palm's Treo and the Blackberry line.

Speaking of those, I really hope they realize they have to start innovating again. Both of them brought the smart phone to a new level. The Palm Treo 650 was absolutely revolutionary...but every new model has been pretty much exactly the same...except the 700 didn't even come with wifi (probably due to carrier, like cingular, pressure to take it off so the users have to subscribe to their internet service). They could have been a lot further than they are atm...and now they have to catch up to iphone's gimmicks (because let's face it, it really IS a gimmick...they didn't put anything in it that really makes the phone any more useful than blackberry and palm had already done). If they don't get their shit together, well they're going to get eaten alive. I'm sure they know that eventually iphone's gimmicky appeal will wear thin, especially when the new problems come about (lol that "face sensor" thing is going to be a HUGE problem once it goes out and everyone's face is fucking up the buttons/settings on the touch screen when they're trying to talk to someone) ... but they can't rely on it.

iphone is sweet looking...and I'd seriously consider getting one, regardless of the bugs, if it was $250 or less. Unfortunately it's way overpriced...but that's how Apple does things. They squander millions of dollars and force themselves to come up with homerun products and sell them for top dollar in orde to save the company. Happens every 5 years or so.

Im not reading that

Quote Originally Posted by MasterOfPuppets
The only thing "Sleek" about the iphone is the digital/graphical interface. Other than that it just looks like a rectanglular piece of crap.

im still buying one