about gore AV, the ad's. i wonder how they will be fetched?

will they be fetched thru a secure socket? or will they be fecthed thru standard winsock api's or inet api's.

will they be text ads? or will they be mainly banner size'd ad's?
i wonder what part of the gui they will show up on.
will the fetching of the ad's be hard coded into the .exe alongside the network code? or will a third party .dll be needed for this?

oh thats another thing, i heard the network code was changed. is it changed in the way a client connects to a server? or a server broadcast's to a client? or both?

if both, will the gamespy proto still be used?

also heard the compiler was changed to a microsoft compiller. so it's a (Microsoft Visual Studio) application now? is it .NET? and how exactly will the new .NET code fix an issue with the "ad agency" and most importantly, how much lag will this new .NET code and ad's constantly showing up give the gore community? because wont the ad's be fetched thru TCP/IP proto, but the main game network code is written in UDP proto.

oh and the site for it, what kinda things do you have in store for that dave?
will the site be php? cause i've been thinking. (would be badass if it was all written in ASP.NET 2.0) and if you dont know that language it's really easy to learn.

and to the gore communtiy, will you actually be changing over to the new gore AV or will you still be playing the old one as well?

someone plz reply to this shit, i'm curious about it.
