Quote Originally Posted by darkspoon
you do realise that sinse they are not regulated by the FDA they could put rat poison in there and you would never know until you started vomitting your guys up and died. they dont even have to test these things to sell them to you. they could be deadly but what do they care? they turned a buck. why dont you just body build naturally?

by creatine i meant that supplement shit that was VERY popular a few years ago until it showed to do extreme damage to the heart and was killing young athletes.

just because something is "all natural" doesnt mean its healthy. cyanide naturally occurs in nature but is very deadly. heroin is all natural too. natural means nothing. its just something that makes you think its ok. too much of a good thing can be deadly.
yeah i realize that, lol no shit..... thats why i read reviews for weeks and weeks before i try anything my self, just as i did with any supplement before this, im as healthy as ever. i would body build naturally but the supplements im taking all help me make gains i normally wouldnt with out it.

i mean shit if there was a food that grew in the ground that was nothing but 97% protein id be all over that and id never buy another protein shake or bar in my life again... thats not to say i dont eat things that are high with protein... but like i said, right after a workout i take a big ass shake of "Muscle milk" its loaded with protein and it tastes damn good... no side effects either.

Quote Originally Posted by Snooperz
Dunno if you already answered/said this, but how much do you bench now days?
maxed out a few weeks ago at 245 pounds... im not too worried about that im trying to get my squat up more than anything...

it was 325 and my goal is 375 by decemeber.... i know im doing more because 325 is now in my workout on friday afternoons for squats