Quote Originally Posted by MasterOfPuppets
I posted a two paragraph about dest when this thread opened, but I accidently closed the browser somehow and lost it. But basically, I described to dest that "YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG" etc.

The way you convey yourself makes you seem pissed of all the time. Whether you actually are or not is irrelevant. You just seem to wait for the tiniest excuse to act as immature as you can, and it is quite annoying to the rest of the clan. Dave having to repeat to you "No danny don't do that..." for a good 20 minutes straight on vent shouldn't happen. Not only were you agitating the opponent, you were agitating your team to a certain degree. I know you can act like "Well you guys are just some people on the internet, I don't give a shit what you think. I'm different in real-life." That's your choice, but if that's the way you want to be then I don't think you'll fit into this clan anymore. I can tell by your demeanor that you've definitely grown as a person it seems, but you still itch to act as immature as you can get. I've been NWP for, around three years now. I've spoken with everyone here on occasion and everyone has matured and grown up a little. Probably myself the most. I look back at posts I made two+ years ago and can definitely tell a different person sits behind this monitor now.

I'm not trying to call you out or anything man, I like you - you're a pretty cool guy when you want to be. You're also a fucking idiot/asshole when you want to be. I think everyone agrees. I'll just say what I think many people want to say, you need to grow up man. Seeing your vocal battles with people in Gore just makes me cringe and bring back memories from CW's in years past wherein, you acted the exact same way... And threatening to do what you did on vent was not cool at all. That kind of shit isn't tolerated in this clan anymore bro-ski, don't know where you've been. You just need to stop trying to be an internet rebel / tough guy.

I'll leave you with that for meow.
if i could put that in my sig i would. i declare you winner of the thread.