It is time to revive this section, and I will do so by posting this conversation that needs to be shared with all. It's long, but probably worth the read.

If you are euro and are easily offended, dont read the first half!

[03:27] Andrew --: btw who is extream
[03:27] Andrew --: because im tired of always seeing this extreams server up
[03:27] Andrew --: I dont even know who the fucker is
[03:28] Andrew --: its funny going in a euro server, seeing all these fucking people you've never heard of
[03:28] Andrew --: its too bad those idiots found out how to run a server
[03:28] Andrew --: they broke our community in half
[03:28] Andrew --: however it was obviously for the better
[03:28] Dave --: LOOOL
[03:28] Dave --: I like to go into Euro servers and rape them all
[03:28] Dave --: call them noobs etc whilst they try to explain they've been playing for years etc
[03:29] Andrew --: well thats exactly what happend, its like natural selection
[03:29] Andrew --: the continent broke in half, parted the gore players
[03:29] Andrew --: the americans continued to grow, get stronger, get better
[03:29] Andrew --: the euros peaked because they had no more good players to go up against
[03:29] Andrew --: and now they are all fucking worthless
[03:30] Andrew --: because they didnt stay and play with us
[03:30] Dave --: lol that's actually pretty fuckin right on
[03:30] Dave --: you only evolve to the standards of your environment
[03:30] Andrew --: exactly
[03:31] Dave --: PS I've just been looking at these two hot chicks' tits for the last 10 minutes
[03:31] Andrew --: !
[03:31] Dave --: I don't even have a goddamn boner atm - just like to see.
[03:31] Dave --: LOLZ
[03:31] Andrew --: loool
[03:31] Dave --: i will copy pix 4 u
[03:32] Dave --: see if u approve as well
[03:32] Andrew --: duno my tits standards are pretty high
[03:32] Dave --: hence your approval or disapproval is required immediately
[03:32] Andrew --: well then send away
[03:33] Dave --: goddamnitlksdjfal;aksdf
[03:33] Dave --: fucking server is not working atm
[03:33] Dave --: wrls
[03:33] Andrew --: same
[03:33] Dave --:
[03:33] Dave --: i dont remember what the link is..
[03:34] Andrew --: is just letting me make a picture or something
[03:34] Andrew --: like a shitty webbased version of MS paint
[03:34] Dave --: yeah what the fuck is this.
[03:34] Dave --: !
[03:35] Dave --:
[03:35] Dave --: her nose is kinda big which is sort of annoying.
[03:35] Dave --:
[03:36] Dave --: cbf if either of these chicks are browsing through tinypic and see their pix uploaded and tagged with "TITS!"
[03:36] Andrew --: LOL
[03:36] Andrew --: I am a fan of these tits
[03:37] Dave --: same *dmoth
[03:37] Dave --: the first girl actually has an awesome smilez
[03:37] Dave --: but also fan of her tits atm
[03:37] Andrew --:
[03:37] Andrew --: how u liek these tits
[03:38] Dave --: HAWT
[03:38] Andrew --: mr. tits is pissing in a bucket
[03:38] Dave --: cbf most dodge thing ever atm
[03:38] Andrew --: whilest on fire
[03:38] Andrew --: how hardcore is that
[03:38] Andrew --: or maybe its a bird with flamez featers
[03:38] Andrew --: I live it up to the imagination
[03:38] Andrew --: leave*
[03:38] Andrew --: feathers*
[03:39] Andrew --: cbf spelling anything atm
[03:39] Andrew --: either way though this creature has a green snake dick
[03:41] Andrew --:
[03:42] Dave --:
[03:43] Andrew --: lolol wtf is that
[03:43] Andrew --: loooooool cbf
[03:43] Andrew --: nvm
[03:43] Dave --: MR. SCHMITZ ENJOYS TITZ
[03:43] Dave --: if i had a tablet pc, i would draw this shit all day.
[03:44] Andrew --: looks more like mr. yellow ass is shitting out a hairy snowglobe
[03:44] Dave --: LOOOL