I try not to bash rap every chance I get, but it's hard sometimes. Sorry. (I'm also half cut atm)

You can't defend the entire genre of rap with other rap songs. I'm sorry. I don't think suggesting better rap songs is salvation for the entire genre.

Regarding the quality of music, people generally consider the vocals, instrumentals, and lyrics, right? (Not individually, but how they make a song, of course). The absolute best vocals, lyrics, and instruments, and overall talent/skill of any rap artist ever usually does not even compare to that of most other genres. Few exceptions here and there are negligible. Why dig through a plethora of shit to find a rare gem?

To me, a good song is comprised of a well thought out and meaningful set of lyrics, a trained voice used for something other than talking, instrumentals that complement the vocals, and an overall collective effort from the entire band.

I know some rap songs have all of these, but I don't think I've heard one that matches up to the best of other genres.

Rap is good dance music, and rap is good music if your best friends are young teenage girls. Seriously, 13 year olds eat that shit up. If my music tastes are that of a 13 year old, then what the fuck happened. Rap is not good listening music.