[14:39] Andrew --: so im sitting here
[14:39] Andrew --: drinking my simply orange with high pulp
[14:39] Andrew --: thinking about you
[14:41] Dave --: oh really, that's nice
[14:41] Dave --: i was just thinking about you too
[14:41] Andrew --: id rather fuck you than kiss you
[14:41] Andrew --:
[14:42] Dave --: good, because the only thing I'll be kissing is your butt ring
[14:42] Dave --: (lol goddamnit)
[14:42] Andrew --: LOL son of a bitch
[14:43] Andrew --: goddamnit some times we just take it too far
[14:44] Dave --: LOL yeah, I knew where the line was...and I consiously decided to cross it
[14:44] Andrew --: LOL