So me and Nonja are watching Reservoir Dogs in his room downstairs. His cousins have been staying over because their parents anniversary is going on, so they dumped the kids off at Nonja's house. So I go to use the restroom downstairs, the door is shut, I can hear someone in there. I wait to go until the movie is finished, I walk to the bathroom and knock this time, no answer. I open the door, and go to take a piss and I look down and see one of the most un-Godlike things I have ever seen. This shit looked like he literally shit a kidney out. It was about the size of a hand grenade no joke, but probably a little wider in circumference.

Me and Nonja had a good ten minutes or so of crying out of laughter, I almost took a picture. Thats how fucking insane this shit is, think of shitting out something about the size of your fist. Its probably pretty close to the size of what we beheld.

So we go upstairs to do whatever, eat, hop online etc. We walk past the bathroom in the hallway, Nonja had to piss, and he didn't want to go in there with the hand grenade shit, so he used the bathroom upstairs. He walks in, and whats sitting on the counter? Band aids. A box of fucking band aids.