Hey guys, i have a quick question and i'd like a little help if you could, i have a clarion dxz545mp

which was my dads and he got it YEARS ago, i'm not exactly sure how old it is but i've had it forever. My stock deck in my car is a little stiff and slow and so i was just going to put this into my car. BUT

My friend has one of these

which was awesome, it has a shit ton of color choices, like 30 different options (obviously cosmetic and no so much quality on my part) but it sounded great as well. So the conclusion was this

I could get a install kit for my car 22dollars, +75 dollars labor cause i don't know shit about wiring. and end up paying around 100 bucks with the deck i have. OR, buy this new deck which is more recent and pay around 170+ for this. I was thinking about doing it in october for my birthday, so my first choice would to be just getting the deck + the labor for my gift, or buying the new deck and having my parents pay the labor.

Thoughts on the two models and which one might be the better choice?