lol I don't know what to make of it either friends. I really do appreciate the love though. Let me do some more explaining on why I'm constantly linking to that psychological harassment site. Whether you think it's garbage or not Spyder, shit is real. :|

Some victims may not understand why someone would do this to them or how some people can do this to others, what the motives are for doing this to them, and therefore can be deceived into believing the phenomenon is of beneficial intentions.

The phenomenon of psychological harassment or warfare can also leave the victims in doubt or confused as to what is going on or what is the intention or purpose of these psychological manipulations, psychological attacks, and events in question are for. Are the intentions in some way benevolent for training purposes or self improvement. It can also leave the victim unaware that a psychological war is being waged on them and the doubt, confusion, and deception can result in preventing the victims from taking action or fighting back.

It's a test.
It's training.
It's to make you stronger or tougher.It's an initiation or rite of passage.
A couple months ago when I would go out and run some errands, I'd walk into a store and people would say very loudly "This is his training." This happened at least 3-4 times within just a couple days of each other when this all first started out.

Another example is referring to the victim as an animal such as a dog. The attempts made by the victim to expose the perpetrators are then metaphorically described as trying to "bite", like a dog, or "eat" the perpetrators. Using metaphors that are orally oriented are then re-directed towards or used with degrading themes in attempts to prevent victims from continuing the behavior of trying to expose perpetrators. This example of the victim being metaphorically described as a dog can also imply or insinuate that the person is less than human and can be controlled by a master or as a slave.
Again, when this first started out a few months ago people that I've never seen before (and haven't seen since) would walk by the front of my house while I was sitting on the porch smoking a cigarette, talking on the phone or whatever. This one guy in particular walked by two days in a row. He had a pit bull on a leash, and as he walked by (the first day) he first looked down at his dog then look up and STARED at me. He must have walked 40-50 feet without taking his eyes off me. I just looked back at him.

The next day when I stepped out for a cigarette, here he came again, but this time he was actually laughing. I said hi and he said hi. It was like he could tell the shit wasn't working.

I know it's hard to believe friends but this shit is actually happening to me. Somebody added me to facebook the other day and on his page is a link to this site:

It's crazy and I'm unaware of why it's happening but it just is. I may have went a little overboard in trying to connect the dots to that DOT building or Narc Anon meeting but nevertheless.

Edit: By the way I want to say that I am fine and make it clear that I have no intention of hurting myself or anyone else. Like I told Spyder and Didz on MSN the harassment has seemed to die down since I made that long post on my blog about my step-father. Soon after I made that post people (my neighbors especially) started acting real frantic and nervous. I printed out that psychological manipulation thing and told my next-door neighbor about it and that I wanted him to stop and that I know it has something to do with my step-dad. The next day he came running over and was like "Dude! What was that you were talking about yesterday? Tell me again what was that?!" I told him again and he was like "Yeah man I know nothing about that! I have no part in that! I go to work, I have a girlfriend, I have a daughter so I'm a Dad and do that thing, I just live here ok!?"

That same night the neighbors who live across from me started packing their shit up and said they were moving back to South Carolina. They were in their garage for a good part of that night then all throughout the next day they were just bringing stuff in and out of their house, standing inside their garage making calls, texting, etc til they finally left. It was odd.