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Copied and pasted from the 1up blog:
Vanguard: Dang! Honestly, I haven't known what to think about this game over the last two years, mostly because we never saw more than pretty, empty environments. But now that the game has become a game, I admit I was pleasantly surprise. Brad McQuaid and Jeff Butler, the original EverQuest designers, have a LOT on their plate here as they attempt to reassert their place in the post-WoW world, and, I gotta say, they have some very good ideas here (such as flying mounted combat!) They also made the first-ever, for me, good case as to why owning a house in an MMO might be something worth having. I'll write more later, but here's another thumbs up for a couple of the hardest-working and nicest guys in the biz, who have an incredible challenge on their hands but, with four years and counting of development, seem to be making real progress here.
I have been following this game for the past year, and it only gets better. I know some people in closed beta and they tell me it's better than any MMO out right now, (These people are former EQ, EQ2, WoW, DAoC players.)
So we should get it.
As the IGN article stated, Sigil has the entire game planned out for about seven years~ after launch. This + the current contract with SOE pretty much guarantee's SOE won't get the chance to fuck it up (Like they did EQ)

Anyways, It's a sure buy for me.