Quote Originally Posted by Deadly
Chili (will most likely get thrown out for performance enhancing drugs, but ill still take him)
LOOOOOOLOLOLOL so much chuxlz...

Pretty much would be really fun to play Fantasy Gore n such. This'll never happen in Gore, but it would be pretty awesome. I'm only doing 10 because I cbf thinking of 20-30 players who currently play (much less who are good enough to make such a list) - but regardless, I hope I did this right.


If you look through the screenshots of wars...many games there are very lopsided rounds/maps where the other team barely won rounds and NWP typically comes out with a lot of players still alive. That's not just the explosive offense...that's also good defense. WWI had good offense, but the defense was lacking so you had to pour on the offense to try to make up for it...which made maps/rounds come out a lot closer than they should have been.

NWP for defense is like the LT for RB position in Fantasy Football. Everybody has them at number one...and only one person will be lucky enough to score that.

I've seen him single-handedly win wars for LAG when they were losing fairly bad to WWI. The guy just flat out changes the outcome of wars even when he's not in practice. His fantasy points may not be consistant in every war, but he has the potential to be more explosive on offense than most other players in the game.

Regardless, people still regard him as the Champ of 1v1, so lots of people would try to draft him up near the top. I figure I should secure him too.

As much as I've hated to admit it, he's one of the few snipers I literally am a little worried about when I'm playing against him. If it's me vs him and he has the most advantageous position as a sniper, I have to work REALLY hard to win the map.

He might not be at the top of draft lists for people who don't like him, but anybody who plays with him regularly is putting him pretty far up there. CBF facing off AGAINST him.

Apparently I'm the top pick for this particular position...and there aren't many dialup players (much less GOOD ones) so I figure I better try to draft myself near the top...cbf not even playing for my own goddamn team. Anyways, nobody wants to end up with a euro to fix the 200 ping position.

Very good and consistant all-around player and can snipe nearly as good as Rikku when he's on his game...and just as good as any other decent sniper out there even when he's not on his game. This translates well with the medium too.

6 - MECH

With the state of the mech in stock 1.50 and modified servers, this position is going to be a weak spot in many teams...especially given the small amount of players who can own with the skin as it is. Revenant is one of the top players who can do so.

I was really close to picking 49er...and think in wars he's got the better aim. However, I'm taking Xena because A) she OWNS M@nc0w, effectively taking him off the roster for any war against him, B) she uses TS, and C) she can speak/type really well so communication is never a problem.

Although not MANY will pick him, perhaps because they barely know him, he's pretty good. Rumors indicate that he's actually El Guapo. Regardless, he plays a lot like me and is a very well balanced player. Finding a team with chemistry is tough - so any player that can compliment me and the way I play is probably going to make my list.

Someone may snatch him higher up on the draft order, but frankly I think the pool of potential Medium players is so large that he's going to get lost in the shuffle, especially with people trying to get the likes of well known players like Tooth and maybe even Maniax.

People may question why Maniax is far down on my list. I really figure that he'd probably get picked higher...but I put him a bit further down just in case he turns out to be the Brady Quinn of the draft and falls through the cracks. I would place him between Medium/Heavy just in case I need to bring in a heavy to replace that choice (due to scandals that could remove that player!) and Maniax would be a good enough fit for that. I can always draft a decent free agent medium at that time to replace Maniax's medium spot anyways.

10 - HEAVY
I may not be a huge fan of Chili these days with how he plays his game, but he's a pretty good heavy. Sure, he might be banned from the game and hall of fame for using 'roids and whatnot...but Bonds still sells tickets in SF, and Chili will still get some good frags for the games he is in. Normally I would take Revenant for heavy, but I explained why he was taken as Mech above. I'm taking Chili a bit down the draft list because he's a high risk player given the amount of people who thinks he haxes.